Occupational Therapy is about working together— at Janzen Occupational Therapy Inc. we recognize that no two situations are alike. We'll work with you to achieve an effective, customized solution that will fit your business needs.
Do you work for a business that wants to improve the ergonomic safety of its workers? Would you like to clearly identify the physical and mental requirements of a job and ensure workers are capable of safely completing job tasks? We can help!
Perhaps you'd like to feel less discomfort when working on the computer at home or are concerned about the long term consequences of your child’s poor posture when on electronic devices. Are you worried about the safety of an aging parent living alone?
JOT Inc. can help make both your workplace and your family feel safe and healthy by focusing on your goals, assessing your needs and providing practical solutions.
Explore our blog for helpful tips and ideas for wellness both at home and at work, information and special updates.
What are Your Goals?
We've put together a list of great online resources and partners you may wish to check out for more information or services that complement occupational therapy services.
JOT Inc.
Janzen OccupationalTherapy Inc.
Helpful Links
Phone: 403-819-3274
Email: ijots@shaw.ca
Copyright © Janzen Occupational Therapy Inc. All rights reserved.